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Shamanic Soul Receival

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Shamanic Soul Receival

Product Details

Shamanic Soul Receival

What is Soul Receival?

A Soul Receival is where you receive a new soul part or new life force energy into your body. This is a really powerful healing to do if you are feeling depleted in energy or lacking life force, motivation, clarity or positivity in some area of your life. A soul receival can help to give you a burst of energy to help you move forward, and be a really beautiful, positive, energising, inspirational journey to take during your healing process. Soul Receival doesn't access past trauma, it brings in a fresh new soul energy to help you exactly where you are in your life right now.

Some questions to think about:

Do you feel stuck, blocked or unclear on your life path?

Do you feel lethargic, lacking in vitality and positivity?

Do you wish to know your purpose here on Earth?

Do you need a fresh focus, energy boost and inspiration in your life right now?

Session Length & Price

2 hours (120 mins)


In-person or Online on Zoom

Please reach out if you have any questions or for your Free Consultation :)

So Much Love,

Isla-Rose x x

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